Images of the blood-splattered bills of endangered vultures tend to evoke less sympathy, but a new study provides a reason to ...
Nine years on, Indian vulture declines have slowed, and in some regions their numbers have even begun to increase. But the population of the three hardest-hit species remains a small fraction of ...
India’s three Gyps species vulture population, once around 40 million in the 1980s, suffered a drastic 90% decline by the ...
Each Indian vulture that eats the carcasses of India’s holy cows generates about 9,200 euros per year for its services. Animal rights activists have calculated it. But now the birds are threatened ...
The population of Indian vulture severely declined during the crisis ... traditionally home to a large number of vultures saw a 4.7% hike in human death rates on average, or roughly 1,04,386 ...