Try it: All-Green Crudités Basket Don’t be fooled ... two weeks in the refrigerator—twice as long as most other types of lettuce. It’s a classic component of the wedge salad, but can ...
The shape of an arugula leaf is similar to oakleaf lettuce, with rounded edges that undulate from broad to slight. Baby arugula, which is typically shorter than an index finger, is more widely ...
Here's which types of lettuce are most popular, why these greens are good for you and what you need to be mindful of as you include more in your diet.
While all lettuce is going to provide you with healthy ... s immune system … if you can consume a wide array of different types of antioxidants,” Crumble Smith says. Butterhead lettuce ...
Lettuce is a cool-weather crop and can be planted in the spring once temperatures start hovering around 50 to 60 degrees ...
How to harvest lettuce Lettuce grows great in the Carolinas during our cool season. I have three plantings of lettuce that I ...
you can grow fresh lettuce and leafy greens that you can harvest all at once or cut as you go. “There are so many delicious varieties, and new leaves will grow from the center by harvesting the ...
And though ingredients and toppings vary widely from one salad to another, the base ingredient they all have in common is some form of lettuce. Here's which types of lettuce are most popular ...