Garfield's successor, Chester Arthur, however, burned most of his papers the day before he died in 1886. For many years, the Library of Congress' Manuscript Division had only one document to ...
Born: October 5, 1830, in Fairfield, Vermont... "Arthur is president now," declared James Garfield's assassin. A cog in the New York party machine, upon his presidency, Arthur revealed an ...
Chester A. Arthur was president and the Civil War was still fresh in the national memory in 1883 when eight women, drawn ...
5, 2020 6:14 a.m. The words in these letters spoke volumes. Julia Sand wrote to then-vice president Chester A. Arthur, who would become the 21st president of the United States, offering advice on ...
Bush and Chester A. Arthur, who tied for 12th-worst, among the nation's 45 former commanders in chief. President Donald Trump is the third-worst president overall, according to U.S. News’ most ...