Furthermore, bacterial circadian rhythms may affect the bugs ... but their cyclical behavior may somehow help them colonize the human intestine, the study authors theorize.
If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t nod off at night it could be down to your body's internal clock - also known as the circadian rhythm. But what is the circadian rhythm? We all work on a ...
“Sleep and having a regularized circadian system (a person’s internal biological 24-hour clock) is essential for our mental health, our physical health, our cognitive health — our ability to ...
As anticipation builds for the longer days that follow this weekend’s switch to daylight savings time, the moment seemed ideal to turn to one of the nation’s leading circadian-rhythms researchers, UC ...
Circadian rhythms are governed by a master clock, a group of neurons called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, located in a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. This master clock translates cues ...
The circadian clock plays a key role in coordinating many biological processes from behaviors to cellular metabolism and mitosis. Disruption of circadian rhythms can increase susceptibility to ...