Why do humans wear clothes? One reason is that changing outfits allows people to tailor their look in hopes of attracting or ...
With more than 50 species found in this small country, the hummingbirds of Costa Rica put on an amazing show. Here are eight ...
North Carolina’s most common hummingbird — the Ruby-throated hummingbird — is slated to make an appearance in a few weeks, ...
Do you enjoy spending time bird-watching in the spring? If so, learn how to attract these little birds to your garden.
Hummingbirds are tiny gems in our gardens. These minute birds hover almost magically and fill our gardens with iridescent ...
"This is where all the hummingbirds drink all the nectar they can to last them throughout the long night ahead," she explains ...
The Ruby-throated hummingbird is a small bird that’s bright green in color. Look out for males’ signature splash of red.
With hummingbird season approaching in Michigan, here are some tips to follow when setting up your hummingbird feeder this spring.
Temperatures are on the rise, green is showing up and hummingbirds are on the move. All signs that spring is officially here. Over the next couple of months, colorful Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds ...
A sturdy and reliable perennial, catmint’s scent is pleasantly spicy with a hint of mint. It adds aroma to your garden and ...
Hummingbirds are particularly drawn to gardens that showcase colorful, nectar-rich flowers and plants. Sugary nectar accounts for 90% of a hummingbird's diet, supplying them with energy.