This is a common charge used against the Catholic Church. According to this booklet, one "mark of the beast" is the alteration of God's Commandments. The booklet claims that the Catholic Church ...
A. It is not enough to belong to the Church in order to be saved, but we must also keep the Commandments of God and of the Church. Q. 1126. Are not the commandments of the Church also commandments ...
A bill in the Missouri Senate’s education committee concerning religion in the classroom had senators, faith-based leaders ...
The governor also is Catholic. No Bible translation is named, but the Ten Commandments in the Louisiana law appear to be a variation on the King James Bible version and listed in the order ...
Specifically, the complaint says that the language of the law “Approves and Prescribes One Particular Version of the Ten Commandments ... his values as a Catholic. Jewish families have played ...
He said the discourse that the Ten Commandments in schools could provoke ... Menéndez said he grew up in a Catholic household but did not want to impose his choices on others. " ...