Cry-Baby, The Musical started life as Cry-Baby the movie written and directed by John Walters, set as are many of his movies ...
Dollhouse, Sippy Cup and Carousel may seem like sugary pop songs, but you wouldn't be more wrong. Twenty-year-old Melanie Martinez's debut album Cry Baby tackles childhood themes but turns them ...
"So he played me the song, and it was him singing the ... yet / Who says a man don't beg / Oh, baby, baby, baby. Who says a man don't cry / Somebody gone and told you a lie /'Cause I've been ...
John Waters looks back on "Cry-Baby." Credit: Stacey Zhu; Kino Lorber, Taylor Hill / Getty Images Entertainment / FrankvandenBergh / E+ / via Getty Images Looking back on his career, John Waters ...
The UK premiere stage adaptation of the Universal Pictures film runs until 12 April ...