Despite having eight published books, 15 Emmys and over 40 appearances on late night television shows, David Horowitz (Medill ...
This essay marks today’s publication of Culture Wars, volume 5 of David Horowitz’s monumental work, The Black Book of the American Left. David Horowitz was born in Forest Hills, N.Y., on ...
Before 2022, neither of the Horowitzes had donated to a Republican. In fact, Horowitz and his father, David, were profiled in ...
That was David Horowitz, Ben’s father, who in 1985 went from being a hero of the New Left to a conservative flamethrower ...
But back to the point of my post: David Horowitz has been a leader in trying to hold our universities to account, and I recommend his latest volume, as a record and a service.
David Horowitz is a noted chronicler and opponent of the American Left, a conservative commentator, and a bestselling author. He is the founder and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los ...