Barnard's Star is a small, dim star of the type that astronomers call red dwarfs. Consequently, even though it is one of the ...
Astronomers have discovered four planets that are just a fraction of the mass of Earth orbiting Barnard’s Star, which is 6 ...
The Solar System's first-of-its-kind finding may be a 90% water planet. Is the dwarf planet, Ceres, holding the possibility ...
For over 40 years, astronomers have been puzzled by strange X-ray signals from the Helix Nebula’s white dwarf. Now, they may ...
Since the 1980s, a strange X-ray emission has puzzled astronomers. At the heart of the Helix Nebula, a dying star may have ...
The X-ray signal from WD 2226-210 is similar to the X-ray emissions of two other white dwarfs that do not sit within cocoons ...
MAROON-X was specifically designed to detect tiny exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars by detecting the minuscule ...
Astronomers have detected mysterious X-ray signals coming from a nearby white dwarf star for more than 40 years. We may now ...
After tracking a puzzling X-ray signal from a dying star for decades, astronomers may have finally explained its source: The ...
Astronomers have made an exciting breakthrough by discovering four sub-Earth exoplanets orbiting Barnard’s Star, our closest ...
"We might have finally found the cause of a mystery that's lasted over 40 years," said researcher Sandino Estrada-Dorado.
A white dwarf, or dying star, caused the destruction of a Jupiter-sized planet that is only around 650 light years away from ...