The King and Queen have helped pack food donation boxes at an Indian restaurant ahead of Ramadan. Charles and Camilla met a group of Muslim women at Darjeeling Express, a restaurant in Kingly ...
The USDA’s decision to cut $1 billion worth of food aid is causing layoffs, supply shortfalls, and the end of donations at ...
The Falmouth Water Stewards group has made a $1,500 donation that will help the town expand its food scrap composting efforts.
The iSTEM School in Painesville Township recently collected boxes of food to help local students – and put into practice the school’s focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Related ...
The King and Queen help pack donation boxes, with head chef Asha Pradhan and Darjeeling Express owner Asma Khan (Eddie Mulholland/Daily Telegraph/PA) The King and Queen have helped pack food ...
They spoke to artists and businesswomen and even helped the staff in the all-female kitchen team pack biryani boxes to donate. "Celebrating British Muslim women at @DarjeelingLdn! Ranging from ...