In the article, "'GM [genetically modified]-free' food labels are value-free" (Nature Biotechnology 17, 420, 1999), an employee of Genetic ID is quoted as saying "the one Achilles heel [of GM food ...
The federal government on Thursday issued new guidelines for the voluntary labeling of genetically modified foods, outlining what food manufacturers should and should not say. “Both the presence ...
Meanwhile, two similar bills calling for mandatory labeling of foods containing GM ingredients have been submitted—one by Senator Boxer early this year, and another, designated H.R. 3377 ...
recently issued a draft position paper affirming the safety of foods made from genetically modified (GM) crops. If approved by the society's full membership and council, the report should make biotech ...
One in ten foods on sale in high street stores contains GM ingredients without declaring details on the label, an investigation has revealed. Everyday products such as bread, cakes, burgers ...
(Image: Boston University) Due to the controversies surrounding GMOs, many countries have implemented regulations and labeling requirements for GM products: Regulatory agencies, such as the FDA and ...
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