Gerunds are the -ing form of a verb, and infinitives are the to + base form. These words can be confusing; they combine the meaning of a verb with the grammar of a noun. My father asked me to ...
let us move on to gerunds. Gerunds are words formed with verbs (action words) but act as nouns. Gerunds, like past participles, are basically verbs that end with ‘ing’, for example ...
Label any VERB-ing element as a V, despite its actual function as a finite verb, infinitive, participle, or gerund. Label a verb along with any accompanying "helping verbs" as V (for example, will go ...
The fact is that while the base verb follows ‘plan to’, ‘plan on’ collocates with a gerund, which is a verb in the -ing/continuous form functioning as a noun. Study the correct usages here ...
let us move on to gerunds. Gerunds are words formed with verbs (action words) but act as nouns. Gerunds, like past participles, are basically verbs that end with ‘ing’, for example ...