If music is the soul of an album then the art on the cover must be its body. The choice of artwork for an album cover is an important one because at a glance it conveys the style and atmosphere of the ...
The Plague of Darkness by Gustave Doré (credit: GUSTAVE DORÉ) Let us try to understand these three purposes that we mark on Seder night, the night on which we pass on the foundations of faith to ...
1L’édition Hetzel des contes de Perrault illustrés par Gustave Doré, parue en 1861, est emblématique de l’illustration des contes merveilleux. Parmi les quarante images de cet ouvrage, celle ...
Many projected images in the show were based on engravings of London by 19th-century artist Gustave Doré, but Doré did not illustrate a specific scene that Skylight needed. So the Skylight's ...
170 élèves du collège Gustave-Doré de Hochfelden ont participé à une journée consacrée au handicap, mardi 4 mars. Objectif : les sensibiliser à cette condition qu’ils connaissent mal ...
Gustave Doré, whose full name was Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré, was a French artist known for his wood-engravings. His works often depicted scenes from classic literature, the bible, and the ...