But one element that has some fans up in arms is the film's Green Lantern, Nathan Fillion’s Guy Gardner. Quite simply: His ...
Guy Gardner was Abin’s other choice ... bullying ways constantly got on his fellow Leaguers’ nerves, until finally, Batman sucker punched him. Guy awoke from this latest head injury now ...
Batman begging this unexpected Justice League ... This realization has led me to conclude that, for DC to make Green Lantern Guy Gardner truly likable in the main continuity, all they need to ...
If comic readers know anything about Guy Gardner, it’s that he’s a jerk. Nathan Fillion, who is playing him in the upcoming Superman, understands this and is embracing it. In a new ...
Nathan Fillion is stepping into the DC Universe as Green Lantern Guy Gardner in James Gunn ’s upcoming Superman , and the ...
right next to the Batman titles. He brought Hal Jordan back to life in Green Lantern: Rebirth, after ten years of being dead. He also removed all traces of the Vuldarian DNA from Guy Gardner, and ...
In a new interview, Nathan Fillion shares some new details on his take on Green Lantern Guy Gardner, who will be introduced ...