The 17-year-old male gorilla named Harambe was shot by a ... a number of people on social media have had a strong reaction to the death of Harambe, with the hashtag #RIPHarambe getting traction ...
So sure, let’s take a moment to be upset about the fate of Harambe — but only a moment. Then let’s remember that our virtue-signaling about the death of a 450-pound gorilla to save the life ...
I’m a sucker for Harambe jokes. Given the media’s insanely myopic focus on the sad death of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, the Internet’s hysterical memeing surrounding Harambe appeals to ...
Harambe the gorilla was shot dead by zoo staff in May 2016. The silverback gorilla was killed after a four-year-old boy fell into its pit at Cincinnati zoo in the US. The zoo's director has ...
Shortly after, a 17-year-old, 400 lb. male gorilla named Harambe grabbed the child and dragged him through a moat. Harambe then proceeded to drag the child around for 10 minutes before the zoo's ...
While Terry Mattive — owner of T&D’s Cats of the World, Penns Creek, for more than 26 years — said he wasn’t shocked to learn the western lowland gorilla, named Harambe, was killed ...