The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife’s law enforcement officers assigned to Lake Erie recently ...
Goldfish possess genetic traits that allow them to swell up to four pounds—the size of a Chihuahua. Experts say that's why ...
According to the ODNR, the daily bag limit for walleye on Lake Erie is six fish, with a minimum length requirement of 15 inches “Walleye fishing limits are enforced by the Division of Wildlife ...
(WJW) — Lake Erie looks like a frozen tundra, but beneath all of that ice goldfish are not only surviving, they may be thriving and growing to massive sizes. Biologists with the U.S. Fish and ...
Ten anglers on Lake Erie recently paid the price for “double tripping,” which is not to be confused with double dipping.
Cold Creek, a 5-mile, meandering run of clear water that starts from holes in the ground and flushes into Sandusky Bay within ...
ERIE, Penn. (WKRC) — Pet store goldfish are not only surviving the harsh winter conditions of Lake Erie, but are thriving, officials said. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service posted a ...
A window of opportunity along the Western Lake Erie shoreline earlier this week allowed a small cadre of charter captains to venture out.
The walleye fishing in Lake Erie is ‘phenomenal’ but there’s room for improvement for the yellow perch fishery. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission hosted a virtual presentation Monday ...
While “cans” also eat fish, a staple of the diet is ... As spring progresses and the big marshes that buffer western Lake Erie thaw, a second wave of fowl, the dabbling ducks, will pour ...
The walleye fishing in Lake Erie is ‘phenomenal’ but there’s room for improvement for the yellow perch fishery. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission hosted a virtual presentation Monday about ...