Yet a third of the world's shipping tonnage carries the Liberian flag, some 1,900 vessels; most of those ships, as well as numerous ships flying the flags of nations other than Liberia ...
structures that resemble those in the American South and even a flag – complete with a star and stripes -- that resembles Old Glory. But this is not America. It’s Liberia, a small nation.
Weak Legal Enforcement and Corruption: Even when violators are apprehended, weak legal follow-through and corruption enable them to evade substantial penalties. The lack of transparency in prosecution ...
The Liberian flag now has a 2.2m gt lead over Panama at the top of the registry rankings, its fleet growing by 5.6% so far this year, according to Clarksons. In terms of the number of ships on ...
ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - The American flag symbolizes a new chapter in life for 50 people in Atlanta. A Liberian immigrant shared her years-long journey to become an American citizen to ...
Replacing manual systems with data-driven process and structure can promote a smarter approach to safety and compliance. Fuel choices are among the most direct means that operators can use to ...