The push for maintenance-free industrial machinery is accelerating as emerging technologies redefine what’s possible in ...
Railroad Friction Products manufactures COBRA® high-friction and low-friction composition brake shoes, specialty shoes, and disc brake linings for freight, locomotive and transit vehicles. Railroad ...
1 2 Shoe–surface friction is generally high in indoor sports, and this attribute is considered a risk factor for non-contact lower extremity injuries.3 Spraino is a novel low-friction patch that is ...
Low-risk users can onboard or transact quickly with minimal friction, while high-risk users trigger additional verification steps such as government ID uploads, liveness checks or multifactor ...
The University of Sheffield in conjunction with the Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) are working to improve the understanding of wheel/rail interface low adhesion friction prediction using ...
Not only to reduce friction, overheating and wear, but also to save energy. At TU Wien, the research groups of Prof Carsten Gachot (Tribology, Mechanical Engineering) and Prof Dominik Eder ...