Cattle that can't walk to slaughter on their own are deemed "downer cows" because they may be sick. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer said Sunday in a statement that the recall was prompted ...
The Purdue Cooperative Extension Service has recently published "Mad Cow Disease: Is It a Threat to the U.S. Food Supply?" a publication that is available on the Internet.
Parts of cows were banned by the pet food industry before they were deemed ... It was in Kent that four of the earliest cases of human Mad Cow Disease emerged, known as “The Kent Cluster”.
It is now clear that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as 'mad cow disease', is not merely ... it is transmitted through food consumption, and possibly through blood transfusion ...
Food Standards Scotland have confirmed there ... other agencies and industry at this time.' Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a fatal neurological disease in cattle ...
30 years on, scientists and activists are still searching for answers to two big questions - where did mad cow disease originally come from and how did humans get infected? This crazy tale of ...