(State your intention) O Brilliant star of purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, glorious in your assumption, triumphant in your coronation, show unto us the mercy of the Mother of God ...
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. Exalted model of all mothers, Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us. Mother who did suffer so much, Pray for us.
Pope John Paul II had a deep affection and devotion for Our Lady of Guadalupe. During his papacy, he visited Mexico in 1979, where he had a historic encounter with the image of Holy Mary at the ...
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots is a favorite Marian devotion ... We ask that you watch over him and protect him, have mercy on him and grant him healing according to your holy will.