MD is a 26-year-old female with an 8-week history of low back and right posterior leg pain, subjective leg weakness, and numbness of the posterior thigh, calf, and lateral foot. Upon presentation ...
Posterior cruciate ligament injury ... Making twisting motions while squatting or bending the leg may tear this area. These tears can cause pain in multiple locations. Several knee conditions ...
This paper discusses the common causes of exercise induced lower leg pain, including chronic compartment ... adhesions developing between the fascia and the muscle causing pain in the posterior aspect ...
Leg length discrepancy is very common and can cause back pain, leg pain ... suffer leg length discrepancy as will a patient with a posterior rotation of the ilium, one short, one long.
Medically reviewed by Jennifer Steinhoff, MD Posterior tibial tendonitis refers to inflammation of the posterior tibial ...