Consider which fruit you'd like to cultivate ... Humidity plays a factor here as well. In general, your potted citrus tree ...
These trees stay small but still produce plenty ... a little more TLC than growing fruit on open ground. To give your potted fruit plants the best chance of a successful harvest, keep the ...
Growing a lemon tree is a great way to get fresh produce year-round. They're fairly low-maintenance, but you do need to give them the right amount of water.
Apple tree branch weighed down by pink lady fruit. Courtesy photo Q. I forgot to order and plant daffodil bulbs. If I buy potted daffodils from the grocery store, can I just plant them into the ...
At Martha's farm, her head gardener, Ryan McCallister, feeds the plants, including her many potted citrus trees, with compost tea every couple of weeks, according to her recent blog post.
Place potted trees in full sun. Peach and nectarine trees ... depending on the variety. Encourage more fruit by pollinating open blooms by hand using a soft brush, particularly as few insects ...