A new study published in Nature provides key insights into sea level rise after the last ice age, around 11,700 years ago.
Global sea levels rose 0.23 inches in 2024, satellite records show, compared to the predicted 0.17 inches expected for the year.
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) A new method has been developed to estimate the probability of future sea-level rise, combining model projections and expert insights. Under a low-emissions ...
By determining which ice sheets melted to create a colossal increase in sea levels 14,500 years ago, scientists hope to ...
“But in 2024, those contributions flipped, with two-thirds of sea-level rise coming from thermal expansion,” the agency said. The year 2024 was the warmest on record since such record-keeping ...
Earth’s oceans rose faster than expected last year as the world experienced its hottest year on record, NASA says. People walk through water in a flooded area affected by rising sea levels and ...
In previous years, two-thirds of sea level rise resulted from meltwater from glaciers and ice sheets, while one-third came from thermal expansion. In 2024, however, those proportions flipped ...
The study published in Nature examined the flooding potential for 32 cities across the coasts using sea level rise ...
New geological data has given more insight into the rate and magnitude of global sea level rise following the last ice age, about 11,700 years ago. This information is of great importance to ...
"But in 2024, those contributions flipped, with two-thirds of sea level rise coming from thermal expansion," the agency said. The year 2024 was the warmest on record since such recordkeeping began ...