A UK based investment group has just purchased the world’s biggest sheep farm, based in Australia, that stretches to ...
Locals in an area of Lancashire have had enough of sheep allowed to run amok in residential areas where they have been ...
The success of Jane Kallaway's award-winning farm is down to a love of the land and admiration for her animals ...
Chad Raines parked his tractor and rented out most of his Texas farmland to a neighbor. Instead of plowing fields, Raines ...
Teagasc is inviting expressions of interest for the BETTER Farm Sheep programme, a chance to develop your farm for a ...
When Raia Olsen, owner of Oahu Grazers, pulls up to the solar farm in Mililani and lets her flock of sheep out of the trailer ...
A Finnish playwright living on Inis Mor has used a flock of sheep as a metaphor for connection with others in her new ...
Armed Israeli settlers stole hundreds of sheep from a Bedouin community in the Jordan Valley, local residents say, in one of ...
A flock of wild sheep has been on the loose, terrorising residents in Adelaide’s northern suburbs, fed up locals say.
THE National Restocker Lamb Indicator is expected to decline to 696c/kg by June 2025, though MLA notes “seasonal price ...
The WA property was put on the market with a ‘walk-in, walk-out’ arrangement, with the sale including its massive sheep flock ...