What was a surprise was Watson bringing up Mrs. Hudson, who, in most tales, is the elderly landlady of 221b Baker Street. She ...
Watson Season 1, Episode 6, "The Camgirl Inquiry" is heavy on detective work, but stands out because Watson finally talks ...
The Remarkable Mister Holmes,’ a musical comedy playing through March 30, is jolly good fun despite some script weaknesses.
The newly released Watson Season 1 provides audiences with an interesting combination of medical drama and detective fiction, centered on Sherlock Holmes's best friend, Dr.
The CW is soon coming out with Sherlock & Daughter, hinting that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories continue to be the top choice of television executives.
8. The Copper Beeches - A governess seeks Holmes's advice on a job offer that requires her to cut her beautiful chestnut hair, wear a particular blue gown and sit by a window. More info ...