You might have heard that penguins mate for life, but for little penguins, the grass is often greener. These tiny birds, found in Australia and New Zealand, divorce their mate if they're not happy ...
Camden's Adventure Aquarium announced Thursday that they welcomed a Super Bowl surprise the morning of the big game in the hatching of a little blue penguin chick. And, as a nod to Philadelphia ...
"I rescued him from an oil slick, because I was trying to impress a woman... and now he thinks he's my friend." Aw what a ...
He said he most enjoys the courtship, where male penguins offer small rocks to the females and nest together within the enclosure. "It's a very fun thing to see each year, kind of who they're ...
Phillip Island's world-famous Penguin Parade is selling out as visitors get closer than ever to the with penguins with upgraded viewing stands and a ...