Test alarms to ensure they are properly sounding. This can be done by simply pressing the alarm’s test button. Make sure ...
The campaign is coming to Greensboro this weekend, offering residents free smoke detector installation, checks ...
Q: About 10 years ago, I replaced the original wired smoke alarms in my home with wired dual sensors that use both photoelectric and ionization technology. Because I’ve read that in-home smoke ...
The American Red Cross is encouraging you to test your their smoke alarms to make sure the devices are working as you turn the clocks forward of daylight saving time on Sunday. “Working smoke alarms ...
The Shapiro administration is reminding Pennsylvanians to change the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms while changing their clocks for this weekend’s “spring forward” time change.
With daylight saving time approaching, Louisiana officials warn families, “why it is so important to have working smoke ...
Dead or missing batteries are the most common cause of a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm malfunction."Working smoke alarms are absolutely critical for your family to receive early notification during a ...