The comprehensive plan is a " state-mandated document to provide standards regarding the governance for growth within a ...
As the sun rose in Tallahassee, the birds began to sing and the worst of the squall line pushed through with seemingly little ...
Dan Kleman's legacy in Tallahassee is downtown revitalization, fiscal responsibility, a commitment to good governance.
The Area Development magazine has named Tallahassee one of the top metro areas for economic strength and competitiveness for ...
City Manager Reese Goad announced Karen Jumonville has been promoted to deputy city manager after serving as assistant city ...
The Leon County Schools' attorney replied to the city's demand for $2 million dollars, cautioning the city that this isn't a ...
This sunny city is home to two universities, beautiful trails, and a vibrant arts scene. If you think only of beach towns ...
Former Tallahassee City Manager Dan Kleman, who passed away Wednesday at 79 after a long illness, is most remembered as a “poster child for good government.” Kleman served as city manager ...