Starbucks says it is reclaiming the "third place" — a space outside of home and work where friends and strangers can gather unrushed.
According to the Brookings Institution, a third place can be a park, library, coffee shops, or even a neighborhood barbershop. Heidi Duran’s third place is the Marmalade Library. “I like ...
This is a long way from anything Ray Oldenburg imagined as a Third Place. It’s not a pub or a cafe. But it’s a genuine gathering place for locals of various ages who might be vulnerable to the ...
Porsha and Bing wanted to provide a 'third place' in the neighborhood. The concept of a 'third place' is one that’s gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It refers to a space that isn’t ...
Generation Z experiences higher rates of depression and anxiety, attributed to the absence of a 'third place'—communal social environments outside of work and home. This lack of social spaces ...
Here is a wrap up of how the Marion-area wrestlers finished at this weekend's state tournament at Ohio State's Schottenstein ...
The term, coined by a sociologist in the 1980s, refers to informal public spaces where people can linger — and some say they’re disappearing. By Ephrat Livni This article is part of Shop Talk ...