Know what is professional development, why is professional development goals important and how you can achieve them here.
But writing clear learning goals takes some practice. In this interactive workshop, you’ll get that practice – in defining goals and designing assessments that address those goals. You will work in ...
The goal of the workshop is to seed a new network to support workforce development for college graduate career progression into environmental biology, including fields such as ecology, evolution, ...
In June 2016, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a public workshop titled "Engaging the Private Sector and Developing Partnerships to Advance Health and the Sustainable ...
The 40 or so people who attended a recent workshop at the Oak Park Library seemed to agree on one thing: the way we do ...
But writing clear learning goals takes some practice. In this interactive workshop, you’ll get that practice – in defining goals and designing assessments that address those goals. You will work in ...