A large swath of the eastern U.S. -- from Massachusetts down to Mississippi and Georgia -- will start to see cicadas emerge ...
New Jersey is set to have one of its noisiest summers in 17 years. There's a loud and noisy swarm of insects coming. And this year the group of insects with long life cycles called periodical cicada ...
This year, cicadas from Brood XIV will be seen – and heard – in 13 states, according to Gene Kritsky, founder of Cicada ...
The noisy, alien-looking bugs are expected to return to the Peach State once again this spring, but this year’s brood is not ...
The 17-year cicadas emerge for about four to six weeks. For the Cincinnati area, this should be the last large emergence for ...
Starting as early as the last week of April, Brood XIV cicadas will begin emerging in the Tri-State. This brood will likely ...
This year, the cohort of cicadas known as “Brood XIV” will emerge from the ground and, much like many other animals during spring, begin looking for a mate. In fact, the buzzing sound cicadas are ...
This spring will be filled with the sound of millions of Brood XIV cicadas. Here's what to know about 17-year cicadas and how many are in Brood XIV.
Cicadas of Brood XIV will begin to emerge from the underground in 13 states across the country this spring, according to cicada expert Gene Kritsky.
Cicadas, those loud, large but harmless insects, will soon emerge this spring after 17 years underground in Georgia.
In addition, cicadas are large and "very active," said John Cooley, an entomologist at the University of Connecticut. Brood XIV, the second-largest periodical cicada brood, last emerged in 2008 ...