King County Sheriff's Office deputies voice concerns over staffing reductions affecting safety in unincorporated areas.
Sound Transit, which constructs and operates transit service throughout Pierce, King and Snohomish counties, has been seeking ...
Sound Transit’s Executive Committee postponed a decision on a new CEO amid mounting criticism of the process and the possible ...
King County Democrats continue to spend like drunken sailors as five new taxes are in the hopper. One Republican county council member is sounding the alarms.
The CEO candidacy of King County Executive Dow Constantine, who chaired the Sound Transit board until recently, has ...
At a time when transparency in government is being eroded on the federal level, it would seem that local public officials ...
In mid-February, Dow Constantine, King County executive and a former chair of the Sound Transit board confirmed he was one of ...
Train service Monday was undergoing 40-minute delays to Lynnwood and 20-minute delays heading to Angle Lake, based on rider ...
Sound Transit has selected its preferred candidate to become the agency’s new CEO and is beginning negotiations with that ...
Amy Enbysk, press secretary for County Executive Dow Constantine, said the building was purchased with the intent to relocate ...
King County Metro says it will add additional bus services beginning March 29, including hundreds of new weekend trips on key routes.