but it's likely this victory will be more of a technical cheat a la Dormammu in Doctor Strange. In terms of raw power, few in the MCU could hope to ever stand up to Galactus, including Thanos.
He was a fish out of water but became the leader of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, standing up to Thanos on a desolate battlefield. But in our current MCU, something is going to happen. Galactus will ...
At the same time, the Fantastic Four seem heralded as the world's premiere super-team even though we haven't heard of them in the MCU yet ... the whole thing will be Galactus, the Devourer ...
Some have claimed Galactus will be a threat ... Many people seem to forget that Thanos had literally only around 3 minutes of screen time in the MCU before Avengers: Infinity War.