Super 7 has officially unveiled its third wave of G.I. Joe Reaction+ figures, which sees the previously revealed Zartan Cold ...
Hasbro has officially unveiled its next wave of G.I. Joe Classified Series figures in the Frag-Viper, Blowtorch, Darklon, ...
While the G.I. Joe cartoon popularized many of the franchise's characters, it was the comic books by several publishers that further fleshed them out.
A science fiction action film series based on the G.I. Joe toy franchise, with inspiration from the comic book and cartoon series.
Super7 unveils Cold Slither Zartan ReAction+ figure inspired by the G.I. Joe animated series. Zartan, Cobra's master of ...
Watch as Duke, Snake Eyes, and other iconic characters take on Cobra forces in this G.I. Joe: Wrath of Cobra trailer for the retro side-scrolling beat 'em up game. Cobra returns once again with ...
GI Joe: Cobra provides depth to Cobra's reactions ... Based on the classic Hasbro toys and cartoon series, IDW began publishing Transformers in 2005, running a continuous series until 2018 ...
Backing up a bit: The fictional group originally appeared in the “Cold Slither” episode of G.I. Joe back in 1985, where chrome-plated terrorist leader Cobra Commander played Svengali by assembling a ...
Hasbro's G.I. Joe Classified Series releases new Frag-Viper figure, enhancing Cobra's ranks. Frag-Vipers, first introduced in ...
The leader of G.I. Joe, General Abernathy (or Hawk) is on the trail of the thieves: an evil organization called "Cobra". While Duke and Ripcord train to join the Joes, McCullen ("Destro") is ...