Students across state lines remain around half a grade level behind post-COVID. But some districts, like Spring Branch ISD, ...
Wunsche High School senior Carmyn Garcia may not always realize it, but when she’s practicing flute at home in between ...
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, Klein and Spring ISDs have experienced inflated instructional and ...
Six Flags is also running a spring break sale for single-day tickets for $29. Guests have until Thursday to take advantage of ...
During the school district's spring break, March 10-14, children can get two days' worth of breakfast and lunch meals to take ...
Brandon Joslin has has served at Spring Hill for six years, the most recent three years as Head Football Coach.
Klein ISD leaders announced a new state bill—authored by state Rep. Sam Harless, R-Spring, and filed March 10—would require ...
With many students on spring break, local health departments are preparing for the possible spread of measles.
Health officials saw spikes in COVID-19 cases after spring break travel, and they don’t want the same trend to happen with ...
While students enjoy spring break, Midland ISD staff work on maintenance and upgrades, including HVAC, restrooms, and safety ...
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - Several Bryan ISD elementary schools are participating in a cereal drive to help keep students fed over ...
The ban, which begins the week before spring break, is a routine safety and security practice, the district said.