A lawsuit was filed Monday on behalf of a whistleblower from Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection. Lawyers for the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility filed the suit at the ...
In just eight months Former House Speaker Marco Rubio has managed to erase a 30 point lead to inch ahead of one of the most popular politicians in Florida history. The latest Quinnipiac Poll shows ...
Employers would have to pay women and men doing the same work equally under legislation filed today in the state Capitol. Studies show that currently in the state, women make 87 cents for every dollar ...
Lawmakers talked about but delayed passing legislation that would remove information in a persons voters registration file from the public record. The move is a reposes to a New Hampshire web site ...
Legislation blocking life, disability and long term insurers from using your DNA against you when it comes to how much you pay or even whether you get insurance coverage passed its second committee in ...
Sex, guns, strippers and illegitimate children are all part of the allegations against the high profile defendant who is on trial in the State capitol this week for the alleged murder of this wife, ...
Female Democrats in the state legislature say the next logical extension of the #me too campaign is to pay women equally for the same job. They argue they earn between 75 and 85 cents for every dollar ...
It’s been more than a month since the deadly terrorist attack at NAS Pensacola. The US Secretary of Defense visited the air station Wednesday and met with Governor Ron DeSantis. The three American ...
State Lawmakers, preachers, and students marched to the state capitol to celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King. The group of more than a hundred carried signs and sang songs in remembrance of ...
61-year-old Mark Wayne Clark of Tallahassee was arrested for making a false report of a bomb at the State Capitol. The call came from a bar several miles to the east of the building just before 3 AM.
Nearly 170,000 medical marijuana patients in the state may soon have a new option for how they take their medicine… smoking. Governor Ron DeSantis announced Thursday the state will drop its appeal of ...
Ten days after Allstate Insurance was ordered to stop selling insurance until it turned over documents, some of the documents are in state hands. The company went to court and was given the go ahead ...