In a little-known 1957 conflict, Morocco's Liberation Army staged a bold offensive against Spanish colonial rule in Ifni and Western Sahara ... near the town of Aousserd. Faced with an ...
French support for Rabat over Western Sahara irks Algiers. Morocco has also won backing from Western Sahara's former colonial power Spain, as well as Israel and more than two dozen African and ...
Ambassador Mouloud Said, the representative of Western Sahara in Washington, disputed Morocco’s claims of sovereignty over the territory at a Harvard Law School event on Monday. At the Law ...
France's stance on Western Sahara has been ambiguous in recent years, often straining ties between Rabat and Paris. But in July, French President Emmanuel Macron said that Morocco's autonomy plan ...
"It reflects a blatant contempt for international law by a permanent member of the Security Council, contributes to the consolidation of Morocco's fait accompli in Western Sahara – a territory ...
Three MEPs belonging to The Left group were forced back to Spain Thursday evening after landing in Laayoune, the capital of the disputed territory of the Western Sahara, which is partly controlled by ...
Western Sahara is currently occupied by Morocco, but before that it was controlled by Spain. As early as the 15th century, Spain began to exploit the rich fishing waters off the Saharan coast. But as ...
MW: Western Sahara remains colonised because superpowers like France and the United States provide Morocco with the support it needs to maintain occupation. Morocco does their dirty work in return ...
"This visit reinforces Morocco's fait accompli in Western Sahara, a territory where the decolonisation process remains incomplete and the right to self-determination unfulfilled," it said.