The study explores how brain activity synchronizes during conversations and emotional exchanges between people.
A new artificial intelligence model measures how fast a patient's brain is aging and could be a powerful new tool for understanding, preventing and treating cognitive decline and dementia. had some articles and diagrams explaining how the artificial intelligence revolution of a technological ...
Health experts are warning about the dangers of AI chatbots posing as therapists, suggesting these interactions could lead to ...
A new artificial intelligence model measures how fast a patient's brain is aging and could be a powerful new tool for ...
Bringing research from the lab to the home, from a controlled environment to real life, can be a way to understand human ...
The eye, whether human or robot, is a photoreceptor modem and gateway to the brain and mind, making it possible for AI to ...
Examining the nature and origin of human intelligence and the intersection with machine intelligence in the past, present and (posited) future.
A Brown University department is paying people to participate in an online game that helps train artificial intelligence.
Amplify AI Powered Equity ETF holds 157 stocks selected and weighted every month with an AI model. Read why I remain bearish ...
The authors of this study have made a step forward to understand what happens at the brain level when two people come into contact and interact with each other, such as during a conversation, when ...