Avatar Kyoshi has become one of the most popular Avatars because of her secret power that isn't shared with any other Avatar.
The Last Airbenderwelcomed a stunning variety of benders on-screen to drive along the plot and take part in incredible action ...
Since the series’ airing, the only known earthbender Avatar was Kyoshi, who came before Aang’s predecessor, a firebender named Roku. The upcoming series also hinted that the chosen earthbender ...
it was Roku who fucked up before that by failing to stop Sozin, and if you wanna— That’s exactly what makes the world of Avatar so rich. Everything has a cause and effect, and what was a good ...
and all of the avatars before him will be unable to help the new avatars going forward in the same way that Aang was helped by avatars like Kiyoshi and Roku. Moving on… Seven Havens!! In the press ...
After what feels like a lifetime of waiting, we’re finally getting a new animated Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Avatar: Seven Havens is the third animated show in the franchise, and will be set ...