Perceived weight discrimination partially mediated the association between high BMI and future pain in middle-aged and older adults.
Certain metabolic factors are associated with the development of chronic musculoskeletal pain, including higher BMI and the presence of diabetes.
Dr Sinukumar Bhaskaran, consultant, adult joint replacement and reconstruction and robotic arthroplasty (hip & knee), Manipal ...
By Patit Mandal, OP They say, “When you empower a woman, you empower a nation.” But in Odisha, are women truly empowered, or ...
By being educated about the risks associated with obesity and pregnancy, you can take some powerful steps today to begin ...
“Married men do not have to try so hard to maintain a normal weight if they are accepted by their partners. And female ...
Cleveland Clinic researchers have developed a new tool to predict the risk of colorectal cancer and advanced precancerous ...
Stay updated with breaking news, weather updates, bank holidays and upcoming public holidays in march.
In the seven months she’s been alive, loved ones have asked for updates on her growth and fawned over her chubby thighs. “Oh, ...
Tom Nolan reviews this week’s research Is it time to treat male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis? A trial in the New England Journal of Medicine recruited women with confirmed bacterial ...
Ilona Maher believes that some women are just meant to have "bigger bodies" than others. The Olympic medal-winning rugby star, 28, shared a message in a selfie video Feb. 25 reminding fans that not ...