Composting banana peels is an excellent way to enrich your garden soil with essential nutrients, such as potassium, ...
Using tea bags in your garden once you've made your brew can help improve your garden's health and keep slugs, snails, cats and foxes away.
The banana skipper, Erionota torus Evans (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Hesperiinae, Erionotini) is a South-east Asian pest of banana that, in the last 60 years, has spread to the southern Philippines ...
Banana farming faces climate threats. Rising temperatures and economic challenges endanger global banana production.
Startup Pyka’s electric aircraft are being used on banana plantations across Latin America in a bid to reduce the spread of chemicals and cut emissions. Crop dusting planes are a key tool for ...
Chris highlights banana peels as another excellent natural ... around flower beds and vegetable patches can help keep these pests away.” The smell can also discourage cats and foxes from digging ...