Dan Barnett teaches philosophy at Butte College. Send review requests to [email protected]. Columns archived at ...
Churches, ministries, seminaries, and universities around the world struggle to access Christian material. BiblioTech wants ...
For a new suitor with whom you don’t have rapport, “coffee dates are good because they’re very low stakes and can easily be ...
• Sterling Heights Public Library will continue curbside materials service, phone service, and home delivery/outreach service ...
Donoghue also introduces us to fictional versions of others who were recorded as having been on the train, including the ...
Company spokesperson Catherine Stengel said these cuts will "strengthen our collaborative, client-first mindset and alignment ...
Look for Maker Space Lab on the program calendar. • Biblio Book Box offered for adults and Teen Book Box for teens offered every month. Register and a librarian will will pick a book based on ...
Sulpice, the Paris skyline symbolises the legacy left behind by Victor Hugo. Ahead of a new show opening at the Royal Academy, Michael Hodges follows the path of the celebrated French writer and ...
Sidling along the Seine, the Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore is a cozy shop stacked with books that is hugely popular among expats (dating back to the early '50s), as well as among English-speaking ...