Powerful winds tore through the New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle on Friday, with gusts approaching 100 mph in some places.
Current local time in Central Daylight Time (Central Daylight Time time zone). Get information about the Central Daylight Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
Turn your eyes to the sky to catch a glimpse of the upcoming lunar eclipse. When is the best time to see it in Tennessee?
Turn your eyes to the sky to catch a glimpse of the tonight's lunar eclipse. When is the best time to see it in Tennessee?
Due to the weather forecast, the Sun Belt Conference Softball series between Louisiana and Marshall has been changed to a ...
While last night on Earth we got a lunar eclipse, the Blue Ghost lander on the moon saw the opposite - a solar eclipse.
On Wednesday, state biologists confirmed two cougar cubs were on private land in Ontonagon County in the western Upper ...
Much of Florida is expected to have a fairly clear view of this week’s lunar eclipse, according to the National Weather ...
The Corinth School District is looking for eight positions that they hope to fill by the time of the job fair.
Cunningham’s second state title comes under a second head coach after winning last year’s with Ryan Cummins leading the ...
Penn State’s board of trustees has approved a new name for the field at Beaver Stadium by a 22-8 vote. The field will be ...
Florida has two time zones, eastern and central. The Panhandle can expect to see the lunar eclipse around midnight CDT on ...