Celebrated actress and media personality Aba Dope has announced that she was expecting her first child as she flaunted her heavily pregnant belly in a video.
They can walk and chew gum, but I would hope C.D.C. is being ... “There are so many promising leads for the cause or causes of autism,” Dr. Paul Offit, a pediatrician specializing in ...
Celebrated Ghanaian actress Empress Gifty spoke about the cost of her composite veneers, the experience of the procedure, and ...
After Congress passed a proposed budget resolution Tuesday that could potentially cut billions of dollars in Medicaid, one ...
While conservative House Republicans have in the past dug in and opposed such spending bills, forcing Mr. Johnson to rely on ...
A play date turned into a nightmare for Avery Russell, 11, when pit bulls attacked and nearly killed her. Now her family ...
Asked in an interview about the CDC's plans to reexamine whether autism is connected to vaccination, Xavier Becerra, health secretary to President Joe Biden, said, "All I'll say is that CDC can do ...
Craving ice constantly? It could be a warning sign of iron deficiency. This condition, known as pagophagia, falls under pica, ...
Sensitivity to sound, light and touch affect neurodivergent people differently. Here are the strategies and tech products I ...
In many cases autistic children need to undergo general anaesthetic for dental care rather than a straightforward appointment ...
He’s afraid to eat because it hurts to chew and sets him off again ... series of meetings in relation to disabilities, including autism and the access that we can particularly for children ...