All sides agree problems will persist as long as ranch and gray wolf territories in California overlap. What's the solution?
Gary Tiller, director or commercial operations with Vence, which is a U.S.-based company owned by Merck Animal Health, says ...
Nofence offers the possibility of multi-species grazing with collars for both cattle and sheep and goats, says Victoria ...
The concept of virtual fencing technology has been around for decades but it continues to evolve. Learn how four cattle ...
Lucia Sanchez’s ranch is crossed by a knee-high stream, and for decades her family could block trespass up and down the flow.
Placing flags along fencing to spook wolves is effective in small pasture ... All sides seem to agree wolves and cattle will ...
Jackson Brown takes a break while moving cattle to a new pasture on April 24, 2024, on the 24 Ranch, northwest of Springerville, Arizona. From spending hours fixing a fence just to watch a herd of elk ...
A predator's gotta eat, but sometimes what they eat harms people sharing the landscape, and that often leads to the carnivore ...
A fifth-generation rancher shares the real purpose of putting boots or shoes on fence posts, plus other fun ranch symbols to ...
Fire crews in Dewey County are still battling wildfires that began on Friday. While crews hope to prevent more fires from ...
Virtual fencing technology - which could transform managing upland suckler herds - is to be trialled in field conditions on four farms over the next two years.
Placing flags along fencing to spook wolves is effective in ... All sides seem to agree wolves and cattle will continue to cross paths as long as ranch and wolf territories overlap.