"Rabbit Trap" centers around an electronic musician recording an album in the Welsh countryside. The film takes inspiration ...
Set in 1973, Rabbit Trap stars Dev Patel and Rosy McEwen as Darcy and Daphne, an influential musical couple from London who retreats to an isolated cabin in the Welsh countryside to finish their ...
The film, debuting at Sundance, comes front-loaded with intrigue. Married couple Darcy (Dev Patel) and Daphne (Rosy McEwen) live in relative isolation in the Welsh countryside. The year is 1976 ...
Instead, the film starring Dev Patel and Rosy McEwen takes a shockingly steep dive into narrative tedium and ho-hum genre beats. What initially begins as a formally adventurous tale of a husband ...
Lion is a powerful biopic that is just as intimate as it is epic and ended up earning very well-deserved Academy Award nominations for Nicole Kidman and Dev Patel.
Early electronica musician Daphne Davenport (Rosy McEwen) and her sound recordist husband Darcy (Dev Patel) learn all that the hard way after they move to a remote Welsh farmhouse in 1976.
Dev Patel’s debut as a director, Monkey Man, is yet to release in India, mainly due to its controversial themes, although it ...
One of the movies that has been in the news these days is from a British debut director, Bryn Chainey. His film, Rabbit Trap ...
Sundance: Two musicians open their ears to all sorts of strange terrors in an unsettling Welsh nightmare. There’s no microphone in the world strong enough to pick up a person’s deepest secrets ...
Instead, the film starring Dev Patel and Rosy McEwen takes a shockingly steep dive into narrative tedium and ho-hum genre beats. What initially begins as a formally adventurous tale of a husband and ...