Opponents worry a voucher program would strip vital funds away from already cash-strapped public schools. Texas lawmakers ...
In Pennsylvania, the vast majority of school funding comes from local property taxes and the state. Still, Trump’s order was ...
Education should focus on what’s best for the child. It’s a line often used by the state’s Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut when ...
Several parents and students tell lawmakers not to take away their hope or freedom to choose the right school for them.
Giving parents the opportunity to send their children to whatever public school they prefer in a district will benefit families and the public school system, writes guest columnist Marta Mossburg.
Carroll County’s public high school students can no longer take unlimited classes at the community college for free.
CHARLESTON – The West Virginia chapter of a conservative grassroots advocacy organization that spent money and manpower on ...
A new bill would tether state funds to students moving from public schools to private schools.
The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System's student enrollment ... Compounding school choice, Cooley cited private school enrollment increases as well as the Georgia Promise Scholarship.
If families want to stay within the public school system, one option is open enrollment ... no guarantee they will get into their preferred choice. This decision is made by each district.
Advocates and opponents of school choice in Nebraska are gearing up for a legislative session featuring efforts to revive the policies.