MAGA is trying to make hit Netflix series Adolescence a flashpoint for a conversation about immigration, when that’s not what ...
Snow White opened in theaters yesterday evening but the movie is off to a sleepy start for an opening weekend that could ...
Snow White has been a source of controversy for some time, but putting the politics to one side for a moment, that's likely to pale in comparison to the backlash these changes to the 1937 movie will ...
S ome things in life are inevitable: death, taxes, and Disney remaking their animated studio classics into live-action films.
Men, by Eve Ewing and Carmen Carnero, introduced three new mutants to readers, trained by Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, and Iceman ...
Goatboy here with a lean and mean 40K Ork "More Dakka" Detachment armylist  you should expect to face at a tabletop near you!
“This Snow White may not be the worst live-action adaptation of an animated touchstone," Rolling Stone’s David Fear writes, ...
We go through Disney's remakes of animated classics, from memorable achievements to those we wish we could forget.
Get ready to sleep with one eye open because these horror anime series are about to creep under your skin and haunt your ...