The first Pokémon cards from the hotly anticipated set Glory of Team Rocket have been revealed, with Mewtwo ex, Persian ex, a ...
An elite deck is one that you win consistently with, and which is widely regarded as tough competition by other trainers. In ...
Following the Meowscarada Tera Raids, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players have another Seven-Star Tera Raid boss to take on.
Charizard ex also has 180 HP — enough to survive a hit from some of the most powerful attacks, like Mewtwo ex’s Psydrive. Galaxy brain here, but if you want to counter the Celebi ex counter ...
Set it up right, and you can use Mewtwo's Psydrive attack to do 150 damage every turn, at no cost to yourself. Before, setting up two Ralts evolutions was a risky proposition. Now, though ...
When paired together, Mewtwo EX and Gardevoir form a deck that ... With its Draco Meteor attack, it deals 50 damage four times to your opponent’s active Pokémon and its bench.
Mismagius ex is also an annoying card that sets up quickly, deals respectable damage, and confuses the opponent meaning they may be unable to attack ... heavy hitter like Mewtwo ex, though ...
Agile and quick, it can dodge attacks and unleash fireballs from its nostrils ... Zygarde has often been overshadowed by other iconic legendaries like Mewtwo and Giratina. However, judging by its ...