Jacob Batalon, who is best known for portraying Peter Parker's closest friend Ned Leeds in the Spider-Man movies, has announced his engagement to his long-time fiancée, Veronica Leahov.
And when Barry Ferguson was put in interim charge of Rangers last week, you could hear the cackling from the other side of ...
The most trivia-worthy factoid about White is his surprisingly illustrious background as a reality star. The Hollywood ...
Some of these characters are outright designed to be hated, leaving us glued to the screens with their manipulation and cruelty. Some of them are protagonists who evoke mixed reactions from the ...
Ned Lamont threatened to veto it over fears that ... “Parody, satire, and memes are powerful tools of persuasion and are protected by the First Amendment, yet the bill contains no exceptions ...
Ned Stark Ned Stark may be long dead ... Ygritte This one's basically now reached meme status, but it also has a poignant edge to it (it's the last thing Ygritte says to Jon before she dies ...